Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ellie's surgery

So, as mentioned in the previous post, Ellie had surgery on May 31st to remove part of her amniotic band. From the beginning, we knew that it would have to be a two part surgery. Because there are so many nerves and tendons, it's best to not do it all at once. We went in that morning at 8:30. Her surgery was at 9:30. I last fed her at 5:30 because they needed her to have an empty stomach. Luckily, she didn't get fussy or hungry before the procedure. When we went to the pre-op area, the nurse explained to me that handing her off was going to be tough, so the best thing would be to hand her off and just walk back to the waiting room, instead of watching them take her to the OR. I of course didn't listen, and got a little emotional watching them take her away, with her little face peeking back at me over the nurse's shoulder. I was sick with worry that something would happen, mainly with the anesthesia. But I had faith that everything would be ok. I had Billy with there with me, and my closest friends praying for her. It was a long 1 1/2 hours, but finally around 11:30 they came and got us and took us to the post-op area. They handed her to me, all wrapped up in blankets, with a big bandage on her arm. I thought that she would want to nurse right away, but she was still somewhat out of it and was crying, so after many failed attempts to get her to nurse, Billy picked her up and she calmed down. Finally after about 30 minutes she was ready to nurse. We let her eat for about 15 min, and then left to head home. She was sleepy for most of the day, but finally around 4 or 5 pm she started to wake up more and was her happy self again.

The doctor had told us to keep the bandage on for 24-48 hours, and to put vaseline on twice a day. I chose to keep it covered longer because I was really paranoid of it getting infected.

Unfortunately, it still got infected...I took her to Urgent Care and they gave me an antibiotic and a cream to apply to the stitches. I asked if there was anything that could be done to have prevented it, and the doctor said that because she is so young, she doesn't have her full immune system yet, so it could have happened regardless.

Here are some pictures

And this is when it got infected

Luckily we got the meds we needed, and she has a follow-up with her plastic surgeon tomorrow morning.

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